Thank you! We reached our community crowdfunding goal

Dear friends, 

The 50K pre-development community crowdfunding comes to a close today with incredible news! 

We successfully reached our goal to raise $50,000 by August 25th! This display of public solidarity goes such a long way in helping East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI) pay for start-up costs. It also reminds legislators just how dedicated our community is to supporting each other.

We ended up going way beyond our goal! The current grand total, including the 10K matching grant, is $74,081.13! 

I want to personally thank every single person who donated, who spread the word, and who continues to stand firmly in solidarity with the movement for justice in the East Phillips neighborhood.  

If you want to join our weekly public coalition meetings - Wednesdays at 5pm - or get involved with any of the volunteer committees: Health, Communications, Fundraising, or Community Engagement, reach out to and we will get you keyed in. 

Thank you all for this incredibly successful campaign. The work continues.

In solidarity,

Daniel Colten Schmidt
Funding Development Manager
East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI)


Roof Depot sale to EPNI expected Sept. 7; new ‘community hub’ to open in 2025


East Phillips group given more time to raise millions to buy Roof Depot site